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Scp Containment Breach Difficulty

Scp Containment Breach Difficulty

You know too much to let them get you.You're coming with us.

Scp containment breach mods

Contents.Development “The game (which I named ) got way more popular than I could have even imagined, and people started suggesting that I should make a more extensive game of some other SCP, with gameplay that isn't just walking down stairs. So, I started making Containment Breach.„ RegalisOn January 19th, 2012, a YouTube user who goes by the name of 'Haversine' released a short clip of an experimental game they are working on called, based upon. The game became a viral success, catching the attention of Regalis, who became inspired to create a more varied version of the game which deviated from.This eventually lead to the creation and release of SCP-087-B on January 30th, 2012. The game received much more praise and attention than Regalis had expected, resulting in many people suggesting that he should try creating another SCP-based game with more content to it. Development on what would later become SCP - Containment Breach began around March 2012.Like SCP-087-B, Regalis choose to use the Blitz3D engine for SCP - Containment Breach as he was already familiar with the program, meaning he would be able to easily create and troubleshoot the game. Was chosen to be the primary threat and focus of the game as Regalis considered it one of his favorite SCPs.


This choice lead to a design challenge in which SCP-173 was too easy to pass by when encountered. To counter this, Regalis implemented the. He would often use his friends as playtesters for the versions of it in order to provide feedback on what elements worked and did not work.When SCP - Containment Breach got closer to release, Regalis began circulating information about it through 4chan (specifically the '/x/' image board) and Reddit, similarly to how he promoted SCP-087-B. He also created short YouTube videos demonstrating various aspects of the game. This promotion allowed the game to garner a lot of attention in the weeks leading towards its initial release.SCP - Containment Breach v was released on April 15th, 2012, and like SCP-087-B, Regalis was surprised by the overwhelming positivity and popularity the game had received.

The positive feedback of it motivated Regalis to further expand the game over the years from what he calls ' a simple jumpscarefest revolving around SCP-173 to something I'd call a full blown game.' By the time v1.0 was released. This also encouraged Regalis to pursue a career in game designing, and ultimately lead to him founding Undertow Games. SCP - Containment Breach's 4th anniversary video.After the release of v1.0 updates for SCP - Containment Breach started becoming less frequent, to the point where it seemed like development on the game had come to a close. This was up until April 15th, 2016, on the 4th anniversary of the game's initial release, where Regalis released a video in celebration of this milestone, stating ' A big thank you to everyone who’s played the game during the years, all the people who’ve helped with the development and everyone else who’s been following and supporting the project!' Alongside this video Regalis announced that v of the game was being developed in cooperation with, creators of the.In reflection, Regalis appeared to have wanted v1.3 to be sort of an apology for 1.0's lack of content and polish, as he stated right after 1.3's release: ' Here's hoping this is the update that v1.0 should have been.'

. SCP-087-B was technically made on with a.Story See also:You play as, one of many Class-D test subjects used by the, an organization dedicated to containing and safe-guarding anomalous creatures and artifacts from the rest of the world. The game opens with D-9341 waking up and being pulled from his cell to begin testing.

However, during the test the facility begins to malfunction, causing a site-wide containment breach to occur.Gameplay Your main goal throughout the whole game is to escape the facility alive, while attempting to avoid any hazards along the way. The most prominent hazards being which have escaped containment.The gameplay revolves around the player navigating a series of randomly generated rooms which are divided up into three zones:,. Along the way the player can find to aid them.

These include a capable of protecting the player's eyes from, capable of opening locked doors, an which can allow the player to keep track of their progress through the facility and detailing various reports and incidents before the game's events. The player can also find showing the containment protocols and descriptions of various SCPs that were contained in the site. This information can prove valuable in understanding how to deal with each SCP.are various entities and objects with anomalous properties that are encountered numerous times throughout the facility. The game's main antagonist is SCP-173, a concrete statue capable of moving at high speeds when unobserved that will snap the neck of anyone it gets close to. The player must maintain a direct line of sight with it in order to survive. This however is made much more difficult with the blinking mechanic, which causes the player to forcibly blink after a period of time, allowing SCP-173 to move closer to them.

The secondary antagonist is arguably, a man capable of phasing through solid matter. Should it make physical contact with the player they will be taken to the, a surreal realm which SCP-106 has complete control over.

There are tons of other SCPs that the player can encounter as well, some of which that are either helpful or harmful to them.In addition, the player also has to deal with, a task force made up of 9 members whose job is to re-contain any escaped SCPs and terminate all rogue they come across. They will be wandering the facility and when they spot the player they will shoot them on sight. It is heavily advised that the player try to avoid them as much as possible.Controls This is a list of the default controls. The keys can be customized in the menu.ActionButtonBlinkSpaceMovementWASDSprintL-SHIFTToggle CrouchL-CTRLOpenF3Fn+F3PauseESCInventoryTABActionMOUSE1Left-ClickSaveF5Blinking An example of blinking.An example of blinking.The main mechanic and gimmick of SCP - Containment Breach is blinking. Blinking is measured by the blink bar on the HUD.

When the blink meter depletes completely, the player will forcibly blink, causing their vision to go black for a brief moment. It is important to keep in mind when encountering SCP-173, as it can get closer to the player between blinks. The player can blink manually by pressing the spacebar, as well as shut their eyes for an extended period of time by holding down the key. It should also be noted that if the player is being stalked by, they can see it skitter by in the corners of their field of vision when blinking.Decontamination gas appears throughout the game, and causes the player to blink at a faster rate due to agitation of the eyes. The player should wear a in order to keep their eyes from burning. While the effects of the gas wear off, SCP-173 tends to spawn in places where this gas appears.

Thus, the player should be cautious if they are running blindly through the gas.In contrast, the player can also find, which slows down the depletion of the blink bar for a period of time. These can be upgraded using 's 'Fine'/'Very Fine' settings, resulting in. The 'Fine' eyedrops increase the duration of the effect, however, the resulting eyedrops from the 'Very Fine' setting will cause the player to stop blinking altogether for a significant amount of time, causing their eyes to hurt and even blinding the player for a moment.Sprinting Sprinting is another basic mechanic measured by a stamina bar (often referred to as a sprint bar) in the HUD that is used to balance exhaustion in the game. When sprinting by holding the Shift key, the player can run very fast and they are advised to only do so when evading an SCP or units. The stamina bar can become nullified if the player uses a obtained by putting a normal gas mask into SCP-914 on the 'Fine'/'Very Fine' settings, allowing the player to sprint indefinitely.

If the stamina bar is low when the super gas mask is equipped, the bar will not freeze, but begin refilling quickly.Crouching Crouching is a mechanic that was added into the game in v. It is performed by pressing the Ctrl key. The player, naturally, will view from a lower perspective and will move slower. It currently only serves to hide from the, sneak past instances and to avoid being seen by SCP-106 when it appears in the. Crouching is also used as a form of kneeling inside the in the.

Upon 'kneeling' in the room the player will be teleported to the.Inventory. Injury System When the player encounters a threat that does not kill them instantly, they will begin to bleed. This injury system will affect the player over time, causing them to wobble when walking, blurred vision, and slower movement. Should the bleeding become severe enough the player will be forced to crouch.

The severity of the wounds and/or their placement will affect how much the player bleeds. If the player bleeds for long enough, they will die.

Using a, or from SCP-914's 'Fine' setting will alleviate blood loss. The only way to alleviate the wounds is by using a first aid kit, SCP-500, or.HUD. Nan 0,24,19,43 0,52,19,71 0,80,19,99 0,108,19,127 Select any difficulty to view their in-game description.When creating a, the player is given the option to choose from four different difficulty settings.

'Safe' difficulty allows the player to save in any location. 'Euclid' only allows the player to save at. 'Keter' disables saving entirely (with the exception of the 'Save & Quit' option) and enables 'aggressive NPCs' mode which increases the spawn rate of SCP-173 SCP-106, and.The fourth setting, 'Custom', allows the player to enable or disable certain handicaps seen in the previously mentioned difficulty settings.


Scp Containment Breach Difficulty Youtube

These include toggling permanent death, the ability to save anywhere or just at computer monitors and the 'aggressive NPCs' mode described earlier.The final option, 'Other difficulty factors', is used for performing miscellaneous difficulty tweaks. The available settings include Easy, Normal, and Hard, with each setting corresponding to one of the default difficulties (i.e. Easy for Safe, Normal for Euclid, Hard for Keter). These settings affect the difficulty in acquiring upgraded from SCP-914 and the speed of some NPCs.On Normal The speeds of SCP-173, SCP-106, SCP-049, SCP-096, SCP-939 and the are increased by 10%. On Hard Increases the aforementioned NPCs' speeds by 20%.

Scp Containment Breach Difficulty